When it comes to mental health and addiction treatment, one of the main concerns across the board when seeking help is cost for these services. At The Healing Center in Cherry Hill, we strive to make access to the service available to those who need it. Drug rehab with Beacon Health Options is easily accessible to policyholders, at an affordable cost.Health plans with Beacon Health Options can make seeking help for substance abuse easy for policyholders by providing the coverage needed for these services, at an affordable cost.
What is Beacon Health Options Insurance?
Beacon is one of the nation’s leading coverage providers for substance abuse and mental health coverage. For over 30 years, Beacon has offered help for those struggling with behavioral health issues, including substance abuse and mental health. They exclusively focus on providing care for those who struggle with behavioral health issues. Beacon provides coverage through a large network of therapists, doctors, and facilities that specialize in mental health and substance abuse.
By today’s standards, Beacon is one of the most accessible and leading behavioral health care coverage providers serving over 40 million Americans throughout the country. Whether that be through employer coverage, or privately sought coverage. Beacon drug rehab is affordable and those who struggle with substance use disorder can receive the most tailored care for their needs through providers and facilities that specialize in the treatment of substance use disorder.
Beacon can cover all forms of substance abuse treatment, dependent on policy coverage and details. Each plan varies in coverage details, and deductible amounts. Members can find more in depth information on their plan coverage from Beacon Health Options member services.

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Is Substance Abuse Covered Through Beacon Health Options?
Beacon’s mission is to help people live their best lives, to their fullest potential. Having this mission allows Beacon to focus on the improvement of their members’ health and wellness. This includes exclusive coverage for behavioral health conditions. Those needing help with behavioral health issues, can find peace in knowing Beacon Health Options focuses solely on helping those who are looking for help in this area of their lives.
Millions of Americans struggle with substance abuse. Very few of those Americans actually receive treatment for their addiction. Drug rehab with Beacon is more accessible than not. Beacon offers plans that cover the full spectrum of care for substance abuse, and works with a large network of providers. The exact coverage will vary based on the plan and coverage details.
What Is Substance Abuse Treatment?
When it comes to treatment for substance abuse, whether it be for alcohol, street drugs, or prescription medication, there are a variety of different ways to treat and recover from the addiction. Drug rehab with Beacon can cover the full continuum of care, at an affordable cost to its members. Beacon provides coverage for members to receive the best individualized care available to them.
Generally, treatment is personalized to the person needing help, but can include an array of different methods that can include things like:
- Individual Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Detoxification
- Residential Treatment
- Partial Hospitalization
- Intensive Outpatient Programs
- Traditional Outpatient Programs
- Medications used in medication assisted treatment (MAT)
At The Healing Center in Cherry Hill, we offer help to those individuals seeking to overcome their addictions in a safe, and healing environment. Drug rehab with Beacon Health Options is possible at The Healing Center, and we strive to provide the best care possible for our patients. Having a safe space to express emotions and heal, is important to having a successful journey to recovery.

What Would Treatment Cost With Beacon Health Options?
Beacon policies come with varying deductibles based on the policy that was chosen by the policyholder. The deductible is the member’s responsibility, and must be met for Beacon to begin to cover care provided for treatment services. Members are able to review their policy and coverage details to know what the deductible is, and what their responsibility will be. There are
This does not mean that help is out of reach. Drug rehab with Beacon is possible, even with a deductible. Once the deductible has been reached, Beacon begins to cover care for its members, making this an affordable and easy option for policyholders to receive the help they want and need.
Seeking Help For Addiction in Cherry Hill, NJ With Beacon Health Options
The Healing Center in Cherry Hill strives to provide the best care to those who entrust us to help them through this difficult, and life changing time. Our goal is to help those seeking help to overcome the physical addiction, and learn new ways of coping with everyday life. We provide individually tailored plans for our clients that focus on their needs and incorporate what they want to achieve.
If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, and in need of help we are here to provide the best care possible. Offering a full spectrum of care, drug rehab with Beacon is available at The Healing Center in Cherry Hill. Reach out today, our team of professionals in our admissions department is here to walk you through getting help, and getting back to the life you want to live.