Unfortunately, the cost of treatment is often the barrier that stops people from getting help for their addiction. At The Healing Center in Cherry Hill, NJ we firmly believe that treatment should be accessible for everyone. Therefore, we have partnered with insurance providers and developed other connections in order to help our clients get the help they need. One of the insurance providers we work with is the Private Healthcare Systems Inc (PHCS) network. This type of insurance discounts coverage for its members. The Healing Center can help individuals who are looking for a PHCS drug rehab in New Jersey.
What is PHCS?
PHCS is an affiliate of MultiPlan. MultiPlan operates a network of healthcare providers and facilities so that health insurance plans can offer more options. Therefore, PHCS allows providers, including addiction treatment facilities, to provide discounted rates to individuals using the health insurance through the PHCS network.
Since PHCS is technically a medical cost management provider, they collaborate with many different commercial insurance options in order to develop competitive managed care programs. PHCS Multiplan’s network of providers is the largest in the U.S. and offers the most comprehensive independent preferred provider organization (PPO). Thus, PHCS’ network provides access in every state and includes thousands of hospitals, healthcare providers, and facilities.

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What Are The Benefits of PHCS Plans?
Multiplan and PHCS are not healthcare providers, nor are they considered health insurance carriers. Therefore, representatives of multiplan and PHCS cannot answer questions about a member’s particular health insurance plan.
It can be difficult to understand what Multiplan and PHCS are. To put it simply, insurance companies contract with them, then Multiplan and PHCS negotiate the costs of care with the providers within the network. While this sounds like it would be a good thing, what are the actual benefits of having a PHCS plan?
Thousands Of Choices For Doctors
PHCS gives its members the freedom of choice. Members are able to see doctors outside of the network with the possibility of their care being covered. However, it is important to note that the benefits are normally better if they stay within the network. Furthermore, they can be seen by a specialist without having to obtain a referral from their primary care physician.
Negotiated Savings
The purpose of PHCS is to negotiate the costs associated with care between insurance carriers and providers. Additionally, the contracted providers, or in-network providers, are obligated to provide services at the in-network discount. Therefore, the member saves money by seeing an in-network provider.
High Quality Providers
PHCS has very strict guidelines when allowing providers to join their network. Moreover, they have a high retention rate for their network providers. Meaning, once providers join they normally stay within the network. Therefore, when members are selecting their PCP, they should feel confident that the doctor will be available for them and they won’t have to change care later down the line.
Does PHCS Cover Addiction Treatment?
The insurance carriers that work with PHCS’ network offer a wide variety of addiction treatment coverage. The Affordable Care Act, ACA, requires that all marketplace plans cover both substance abuse and mental health as essential services. As a result, the majority of insurance carriers in the U.S. have expanded their coverage for alcohol and drug rehab and addiction treatment in general.
PHCS is a PPO network that is used nationwide by the majority of health insurance companies in the United States. Therefore, members have a multitude of choices when it comes to providers who offer discounts for addiction treatment services. If you are looking for a PHCS drug rehab, then ask your HR manager, plan administrator, or health insurance carrier about coverage. Additionally, you can contact the drug rehab that you are interested in attending and they can verify your benefits for you.

What Treatments Are Offered At Our PHCS Drug Rehab?
Our PHCS drug rehab provides a multitude of addiction treatment therapies to clients. Some of these include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Medication Assisted Treatment
- Case Management
- Life Skills Development
- Holistic Therapy
- Family counseling
- Dialectical behavior therapy
When someone is covered by the PHCS network, they can use their health insurance to cover at least part of their substance abuse treatment. PHCS offers coverage for a multitude of substance abuse, mental health, and dual diagnosis treatment services. They are contracted with over a million providers across the country that specialize in various services including addiction. Thus, finding addiction treatment services is relatively easy with the PHCS network.
Will I Have a Deductible for My PHCS Coverage?
When someone decides on a health insurance plan to enroll in, they have a certain network of doctors that are contacted with their plan. There are different plans that outline specific limitations, costs, and rates. Members can access PHCS’ PPO network through their insurance policy. However, PHCS does not dictate or have information regarding eligibility, co-pays, deductible, or cost share for healthcare services.
A client’s out of pocket cost for PHCS drug rehab is based on their specific health insurance policy. Since PHCS is not an insurance carrier, they will need to speak directly to their health insurance plan or PHCS drug rehab in order to discuss the cost of rehab.
At The Healing Center, our admissions team can help people understand their benefits and the costs associated with PHCS drug rehab. Where a client lives and how much coverage their plan provides normally determines the out-of-pocket costs associated with our services.
Member cost can also be influenced by other factors including:
- Deductible
- Co-payments
- Co-insurance
- Max out-of-pocket
- Services that are not covered by their health insurance plan

Find PHCS Rehab in Cherry Hill, NJ
Taking the first step in the recovery process can feel daunting. At The Healing Center we provide a safe environment and compassionate, individualized care. The cost associated with rehab should not stop anyone from getting the help that they need. Thus, we partner with major insurance carriers in order to ensure treatment is accessible. By seeking PHCS rehab in Cherry Hill, NJ, your or your loved one can start your healing journey to a happy and fulfilling life free from addiction. For more information about our PHCS rehab program, contact us on our admissions page.