What is an Outpatient Rehab in Cherry Hill?
An outpatient drug rehab in Cherry Hill NJ program is when someone with a drug or alcohol problem chooses a treatment option that they attend during the day and then return home or to a sober living home, in the evenings. This is different from inpatient rehab where the person lives at the facility for an extended period of time. Many times inpatient clients will use outpatient treatment to assist in their transition back into the community and everyday life.
The Benefits of Outpatient Drug Rehab
Outpatient drug rehab has many benefits, including affordability, maintaining employment, addiction education, therapy, regular assessments, community training services, case management, and, most importantly, continued connection with family and/or loved ones. Individuals require different levels of intensity with regards to the amount of support they need: outpatient rehab allows the flexibility to tailor the program to those needs. Different programs require different amounts of attendance and can work with a person wherever they are in their health journey. As mentioned above, outpatient treatment in Cherry Hill NJ works really well in helping people with the transition back into their families or sober living home, employment and the stress of everyday life.

Who are Outpatient Drug Rehab In Cherry Hill programs for?
Outpatient rehab in Cherry Hill programs are for the person who is motivated to stop using their substance of choice, but requires the flexibility of a program that will work around their schedule. It is also for individuals that may need a more rigorous treatment that will taper off over time. This is also a good option for people who need or want to maintain their employment as they move through the treatment process. It is important for people in the initial stages of recovery to have access to the emotional and physical support they may need after the detox process. There can be feelings of anxiety and depression as well as body aches, pains and cravings. The medical staff at the outpatient facility can provide medication and counseling in a safe environment while allowing the client to maintain the support of loved ones during the process. It is also a good option for the family members as it offers peace of mind that their loved one has guidance as they learn to navigate daily life again. Family therapy can be incorporated into the client’s treatment program as well.
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How Long Does Outpatient Addiction Treatment Last?
There are differing levels of intensity of outpatient rehab in Cherry Hill NJ. One option is intensive outpatient programs(IOP) that provide an interdisciplinary team and are between 9 and 20 hours of weekly treatment. Standard outpatient programs are three hours 2-5 days per week depending on the individual’s needs. It can be during the day or in the evenings. It can last a few to several months, decreasing as the person makes progress in their recovery. There are also continuing care programs that meet regularly and provide resources to help people maintain their commitment to sobriety.

What To Expect At The Healing Center's Outpatient Rehab in Cherry Hill
In our outpatient rehab in Cherry Hill, clients typically visit our treatment center on a regular basis during specific hours and days of the week. Outpatient rehab provides an opportunity for people to practice the skills they learned during inpatient treatment and build further on them. Individuals will learn about the challenges of early recovery and how to cope with them. They will learn how to eliminate toxic people and rebuild the relationships that may have been damaged. They will have opportunities to learn and practice communication skills as well as the importance of schedules and rigorous self-care. Individuals will meet with counselors one on one and in groups, have opportunities to connect with peers in a supportive way and be evaluated by medical professionals to help manage discomfort and cravings. There is also the opportunity for families to be evaluated and guidance suggested for healthier interactions. Education for family members and loved ones is important to help manage the expectations of the recovery process.
Does Insurance Cover Outpatient Drug Rehab in Cherry Hill NJ?
Insurance often covers a large percentage of the rehabilitation process. The cost of rehabilitation facilities varies widely, based on the needs of the individual, type of treatment offered, the location of the center, additional amenities offered and the medications that may be used during the recovery process. Check with your insurance provider to be sure of the support available to you. Outpatient treatment is certainly a fraction of the cost of traditional inpatient rehabilitation and should be considered a very viable option to support the recovery process.
Here at The Healing Center, we work with a variety of insurance providers in order to ensure that addiction treatment is both accessible and affordable for the community. Some of the carriers we work with include Beacon, Aetna, BCBS, Tricare, and Multiplan. To learn more about insurance coverage for our outpatient rehab in Cherry Hill, call our admissions team.

Outpatient Rehab In Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Here at The Healing Center in Cherry Hill, New Jersey we offer a safe and effective outpatient substance abuse rehabilitation program. We are passionate about helping our clients achieve and maintain long-term recovery and offer a variety of programs that help to encourage that. Contact us today to learn about how we can help you or your loved one today.